Whispered Screaming / 2022

This performance ‘Whispered Screaming’ was first presented at the concert ‘Japanese Woman Experimental Sound Artists’, which I curated at the Emily Harvey Foundation, NYC. The work is based on a soundtrack from Yoko Ono’s past discography, in which the screams (the parts that have no lyrics and are pure screaming) are extracted and re-recorded in her own voice. The screams used in the performance are not the usual loud screams, but silent whispered shouts.
The background is the experience of being a socially vulnerable group (Asians, women, children, the elderly, immigrants) who is exposed to violence from a stranger on a daily basis. Crimes against Asian has gained momentum in recent years, particularly in New York where this performance was made, and we are forced to live in a situation where we do not know when we will be targeted. Screaming, which is used to express excessive emotion and pain, is a universal act that anyone can engage in. Instead of drowning out the other sounds by making a single loud voice, the overlaying of whispered screams (the voice itself is a small sound) allows the overlapping of other voices. By accumulating and emanating unvoiced and dehumanising voices and sounds, this is an attempt at a small resistance to the violence that exists at different levels in different parts of the world.

自身がキュレーションしたコンサート「Japanese Woman Experimental Sound Artists」で発表した新作のパフォーマンス。オノ・ヨーコの過去のディスコグラフィーから、叫び(歌詞がない、純粋に叫んでいる部分)を抜き出し、自身の声で録音し直した音源をベースにした作品。パフォーマンスで用いられるのは、通常の大きな音の叫び声ではなく、無声のささやきによる叫び声である。


Solo Performance|Whispered Screaming(2022)
Duration: 15-20 minutes
Speakers, microphone, looper
Presented as part of  Japanese Woman Experimental Sound Arttists at The Emily Harvey Foundation, New York on May 28 2022
Photo:Scott Walden

ソロパフォーマンス|Whispered Screaming(2022)
コンサート Japanese Woman Experimental Sound Arttistsの一作品
2022年5月28日 The Emily Harvey Foundation、ニューヨークで開催

写真:Scott Walden