Taasaesaft – Re-fresh, rhythmic drip, one sip. / 2023

The project “Taasaesaft – Re-fresh, rhythmic drip, one sip.” by Rahel Kraft and Tomoko Hojo focuses on a process-oriented exploration of the history of Gais as a whey cure resort. The duo specifically investigates stories related to healing processes and analyzes how the theme of “spa” or “healing” is present in contemporary times. This has resulted in a multi-layered installation and daily interventions in the village as well as on the festival grounds of Klang Moor Schopfe.
The installation invited visitors to reflect on healing processes, recurring routines, endurance, and patience. A sip, a walk, another sip, a breath. The rhythmic dripping of the whey echoed in old wooden bowls, once used as milk vessels for cheese production and repaired multiple times over the years. These scars bear witness to appreciation, care, and connection – a recurring cycle.

プロジェクト「Taasaesaft – リフレッシュ、リズミックなドロップ、一口飲む」において、ラヘル・クラフトと北條知子は、スイスのガイス村におけるホエー(乳清)治療リゾートとして栄えた歴史に焦点を当てる。特に、癒しの過程に関連する物語を調査し、現代において「温泉」や「癒し」というテーマがどのように存在しているかを分析する。結果として、多層的なインスタレーションと、ガイス村やフェスティバル「クラング・ムーア・ショプフェ」の会場での日常的な介入が生まれた。

Taasaesaft – Re-fresh, rhythmic drip, one sip.(2023)  / Hojo+Kraft

Audiovisual Installation
Daily Interventions during the Festival

Artistic Direction, composition, performance: Tomoko Hojo and Rahel Kraft

Co-Production: Museum Gais, Festival Klang Moor Schopfe

Exhibition period: 31 August – 10 September 2023, Museum Gais, Switzerland
Daily Performance: 31 August – 10 September 2023, between Museum Gais and Festival site

Supported by
Kulturstiftung des Kantons Thurgau
Departement of Culture Basel-Stadt
Bergkäserei Gais
Weissküferei Mösli

「Taasaesaft – リフレッシュ、リズミックなドロップ、一口飲む」(2023) / Hojo+Kraft


日常的な介入: 2023年8月31日-9月10日、ガイス美術館とフェスティバル会場

Kulturstiftung des Kantons Thurgau
Departement of Culture Basel-Stadt
Bergkäserei Gais
Weissküferei Mösli