Within experimental music and sound art field, my works take various forms, composition, score-based or improvised performance, installation and academic research. Although the methodologies are changed each time, the main concept underneath my works and researches are consistent. That is ‘to focus on (women’s) voices have been silenced in the history or archive, and propose alternative possibilities in a playful way through exploring its background’. Departing from the relationship between past events, its documentation and representations of events based on documentation, I irradiate hidden frameworks and gaps in between ‘things regarded as the truth’ and ‘things written as the truth’, and re-voicing muted voices. In recent works, I re-imagine sounds or objects of undocumented past works from artists such as Yoko Ono, and recreate it with fitting into a contemporary context. The fundamental concept is also applied in different layers which is an examination of the historical position of Experimental Music and Sound Arts. I explore the place where I could contextualise my work in these marginal genres which are not on a single linear history.

November 2018